Tuesday, January 21, 2014

December Wrap Up

I know it's January, and well into January at that, but I just want to finish up 2013, so here goes.

My parents were here for my birthday, and to see Tyler, of course. While they were here, we went to zoolights at Point Defiance Zoo. Here are the pictures from that night...

Scrunch pictures are difficult with 5 people!

Better, but Ty was done by then!
Christmas Eve was spent at Ryan and Marcela's. We had a wonderful dinner and a great nativity program. Tyler was the baby Jesus. We had talked all week about how he needed to not roll out of the manger. He didn't roll out, but he started to scream about 1 minute in. Sad. But he was cute when he was in there!

Seriously cute!

This was Tyler's first Christmas present ever. It was from Ryan, Marcela and the girls. He loves it! (It's a stacky chicken thing. Very cute!)

And, finally, Christmas! We had a really quiet Christmas. Just talking on skype, eating food, our friends Chelsea and Tom and their foster son came over, and Ryan, Marcela and the girls. We had a great time!

Ty seemed to make out alright!
Brent put the Santa hat on Ty and it took a couple of tries...

But we finally got a good one!
And so ends 2013!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

WARNING! Extreme cuteness to follow!

As of today, Tyler is 5 months old! Can you believe it? I can't! In honor of the occasion, we did a little photo shoot. There are some darn cute pictures, if I do say so myself! Enjoy!

Let's see...what new things is Ty doing? He can now roll from his tummy to his back, making rolling fun!

His fingers and everything else go in his mouth and believe me, his teeth are sharp!

He loves it when the young women fawn all over him.  He was surrounded today and loving every minute of it!

He's still not sitting up, but getting closer...he pulls himself up sometimes. He just can't keep himself up.

He quite likes that daddy of his. Me too! 

And now for the pictures with Hobbes...

 He was much more interested in Hobbes this time around!

He was so proud of himself for being able to roll on Hobbes!

We sure do like having him around!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

He's 4 months old!

I know it's been awhile, but ... well ... life keeps getting away from me. We had my parents here for my birthday, then Tyler's 4 month birthday, then Christmas, a visit - albeit brief - from Court and her family, and a small cold that's been rattling around the house. So, I'm just now sitting down to get some blogging done. I've also gotten a little addicted to Instagram. It's great! Pictures instantaneously! So, follow me on Instagram for more up to date pictures. I really do take a lot.

Without further ado, here are some pictures from December 19th. And, just a little warning...they're not as good as normal. He was a little grumpy from his 4 month shots.

What are his stats, you're wondering? Well he was 15.2 lbs (80%)...

Just an aside, I threw this in to show that he can actually take a bad picture. But look how dark his eyes are getting. I'm pretty sure he's going to have brown eyes!

 He is 26 inches tall. That's in the 95th percentile. Where did he get this tallness?

 And, he still has a lot of brains with a head that is 17 inches around (89%).

He is still in love with that annoying song, "What does the fox say?" Every time he hears it, he stops what he's doing and listens.

He's rolling over like a pro now. He can roll from his back to his stomach with ease, but is still working on the other way.

 He is still drooling up a storm.

Absolutely everything goes into his mouth now a days, which is fun. He likes to show just how sharp those two little teeth are. Believe me, they're sharp!

Hmmm...let's see...what else. He likes to sing a lot. At least that's what we call it. He looks at his fingers and goes through all the notes he can hit.

We have a giggler in the house! It is so funny! He finds the funniest things funny.

You can't tell from this picture, but he smiles, a lot. Most of the time actually.

There's the drool. He's also very curious about everything!

Daisy walked in between me and the camera when I took this picture. I thought it was funny.

And now for the Hobbes pictures. None of them are very good, so I just thought I'd show you all of them. 

So, there you have it. In another week, we'll be doing this all over again!