Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Have you ever just felt like shouting "Bah!" at the top of your lungs to anyone who would hear it? I sure have lately. Let me explain my annoyance.

On the 23rd of May, Brent tells me that he has to work all weekend for this stupid boat that is stupid and making people work over Memorial Day week. Bah!

Then, a little bit later he says, I'm going to San Diego for two weeks, leaving on Monday. Bah!

At first, I was going to go, but then I started thinking about all the YW stuff I had to do, how my knee still wouldn't bend for that long (imagine 2-1/2 hours in a airplane), how expensive it would be for me to fly and how much he would be working. So, I decide that I'm not going to go. But then I start to think, "There is no way that they are going to make him work all weekend and then leave on Monday" so that makes me feel a little better.

Brent gets home and informs me that in fact he does have to work all weekend and still leave on Monday for 2 weeks. Bah!!!

So, we get him ready for his emergency trip to San Diego. (I'm not sure I'm suppose to say what it's about. If he can, I'll have Brent blog about it.) And I say good bye, feeling sad that I'm all alone on a holiday. Instead of moping, I went over to Court and Brads to play with them. It made it that much better. (Although that little Aaron is still confusing me. He loves me when he's on the ground or someone else is holding him but as soon as I hold him, he crys. Bah!)

The week is going pretty well with Brent in San Diego. He's working 10-12 hour days and I'm plodding along. We did Family Feud for YW's on Tuesday night and it was great! The rest of the week, I worked on getting stuff together for a big leadership overnighter for camp. I felt like I had a little head cold but I kept telling myself it was allergies. Bah!

I wake Friday morning - the day I'm heading off camping - with a HORRIBLE COLD! I could hardly swallow because my throat hurt so bad and I didn't think I could get out of bed let alone go camping, so no camping for me and back to bed. BAH!

By Saturday morning I was worrying that I had strep throat, so rather than prolong it and then get the needed drugs, I went in to the doctor. He informed me that he was pretty sure I didn't have strep throat, just a virus, then he went on to lecture me about the over use of antibiotics. Seriously? Bah! Then, we had a conversation like this:

Doctor: Do you smoke?
Me: No
Doctor: Have you ever smoked?
Me: No
Doctor: Do you drink?
Me: No
Doctor: Jeez, you're boring.

Thanks a lot! And did I mention - BAH!!!

I come home grumbling about how lucky everyone else is who has those great bacterial infections and how unlucky I am to always have the stupid virus ones. I was suppose to teach YW's on Sunday, so I tried to call everyone in the presidency to see if they could teach for me. Boy, they saw me coming. No one was home. Bah!

Sunday morning dawns and I drag myself to YW's to teach a - if I say so myself - amazing lesson on Heritage. Then again, it could have been all the cold medicine I was on. BAH!

I get home and collapse on the couch to sleep the rest of the day away. About dinner time I awake from my coma realizing that I'm hungry, and my throat doesn't hurt as much! HOORAY! I'm on the way back up!

So, now it's Tuesday and I'm waiting patiently for Brent to get home - yep, he got called back early because they need him here for some big crazy thing that I don't really understand. He should be home in about 3 hours. HOORAY!

I'm now in the blow my nose every 10 minute phase of the cold, but at least my throat isn't sore anymore! HOORAY!

I guess this week is starting out ok after all.


Katie & Jared said...

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough week. Hope you are feeling better. Glad to hear you get Brent home early. HAVE A HAPPY WEEK!
Lots of loves!!!

John and Laura said...

What a great post! It made me laugh ... and cringe with guilt at the same time. A lot of your gripes would have been a little lighter for poor Brent had I not decided to have a baby this month. Sorry.

Glad your cold is on the mend and your man is coming home early. Hope the rest of your week is even better than the first half. :)

Jess said...

Seriously BAH!! So sorry that you are sick and that Brent is out of town to take care of you.

I hope that you are started to feel better. The runny nose part drives me crazy!

Way to go to still teach even when you felt crappy! That is dedication Ash.

Take care! Loves.

Angel said...

Oh boy, when it rains, it pours! I have it when Roy travels or works yucky hours, and lately he has been doing a lot of both. Luckily, that is starting to get better, and things are almost back to normal...

Anonymous said...

Poor thing...glad you are starting to feel a little better. Sorry you had to suffer through everything without Brent. The lecture from the Dr about the over-use of antibotics made me laugh. Did he know who he was talking to???

Glad it wasn't strep but hope it goes away soon.

Glad Brent is home!

You have a way with words!!

Love ya!

Jenny Moore said...

Ashley you crack me up and yep I've wanted to shout Bah all the time!
It's been fun to talk to you lately and we can't wait to see you!!
Way to continue with everything even when you feel lousy...you go girl!

Roy said...

Very funny, though I'm certain you wrote it mostly NOT to be funny, but to express anxiety and concern. Ah, well, it was funny anyway! I hope things are looking up for you. It probably was no picnic for Brent to be away for so long, too. And long work hours really suck. Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I'm so behind on reading everyone's blog, so I'm sorry that this comment is soooo late. I guess the good news is you are past your BAH week! See you in a couple weeks!