Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's a....


I don't know what I was expecting them to say but boy wasn't it. Maybe, "It's an asparagus." Or "It's a tree." I mean, I was floored. But the longer I've had to digest the fact that it's a boy, the happier I am. 

He wasn't very good at getting pictures taken, to which I sighed and realized he was just like his dad, so the only other good one was of his feet.
Can you see his little foot with the other one folded behind it? Kind of hard I know.

Well, there was another good picture but it's pretty self explanatory by saying, "It's a boy." 

Oh my gosh, it's a boy. Awesome!

And, a funny story. We were shopping at the mall a few weekends back, I know, I was surprised too but Brent needed new shoes for work. Brent takes FOREVER to choose shoes. Granted he wears them till they fall off his feet, but I get bored. We had just come from Barnes and Noble where we had gotten a baby book so that was sitting next to me as I watched Brent walk around and around in his shoes. (Love you!) Anyway, the clerk was watching him walk around and around and finally asked me what book I was reading. Long story a little bit longer, I said baby book and she said congratulations. Then the advice began. (This is definitely a weird thing about pregnancy!) She asked me a few things then said, "Do you have heart burn?" to which I replied yes. Then she said, "Oh, that means it's a boy with a lot of hair." I kind of laughed at the time, but now I'm wondering. Is he going to have a lot of hair? And is it going to be curly?


Jenny Moore said...

Love the 'boy' tie!!!!
Couldn't be happier for you guys!!
Silly Brent and his shoes!!! :)

Steve said...

Congrats guys! Awesome news all around...except for going to the mall...that's more of a tragedy.

My only advice? Stay away from the mall.

Courtney said...

Hooray! I don't know about the heartburn thing. My heartburn got worse with each baby and Sarah definitely had the most hair as a newborn, with Emma as a close runner-up. But curly hair would sure be cute!

Anonymous said...

It is sooooooo exciting!!! I was actually kind of "feeling" that it was a girl but WHAT FUN TO HAVE A BOY in the family!!! Woho!!! It does make it a little more "real" huh!!

Yes, I've heard the old "wives tales" about heartburn and "hair" - but never heard that it was a "boy" with a lot of "hair" (in fact when I was pregnant with you, I had it badly as well and just got the "lotta" hair comments - which you did!)

It will be fun to see if he does have curly hair :)

Love you all! (Little Dude, too)

Jess said...

I love that picture. What a cutie. My boys both had curly hair and I loved it! I did have heartburn with Jackson too. Yucky stuff.
Super excited for you guys. Can't wait.

John and Laura said...

Hooray for boys! Love the tie. :)

Julie said...

Yay for the little tike! Can't wait to meet him!
