Monday, January 14, 2008

I Know, I Know

I know what your thinking. "It's been a long time and all I have to look at is a post about poop." Well, that's true. But here are my excuses.

Last week the internet wasn't working. Well, that's not true. It would work for a second then stop working, then work for a second, ... causing me to throw the computer out the window. Luckily, the window wasn't too far off the ground, so it's back to working this week.

This week, I have jury duty. I've been hoping that I wouldn't get called in, but sure enough, today I had to go in. So, I was hoping that they would excuse me today. Nope, have to go back in tomorrow. I have to do my civic duty, but it is such a pain!

Those are my excuses for not blogging for awhile. Take them or leave them.



Anonymous said...

I just got my "civic duty" letter on Saturday. :( That'll teach me to be registered to vote.

Courtney said...

Aah civic duty! Good luck with that! I'm sure my time will come.

Angel said...

Yuck -- jury duty. I am SOOO sorry. I have gotten out of it each time because I can pull the "full time caregiver" card. Once the kids are all in school though, I won't be able to use that excuse anymore, and I will actually have to serve...

Anonymous said...

Ashley we feel your computer woes! The computer that we borrowed from work crashed last week but now we have our own new computer and it's happy!!!
I'm proud of you for doing your civic duty...I will pray it ends soon!

. said...

What is your trial about? Good luck!

Jess said...

Oh computers.. love them and hate them!

Jury duty eh? Sounds fun. Usually you call and they say "thank you but you will not be needed" That sucks that you have to go. Way to represent for all of us :)