Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Birthday of Surprises

I love my birthday. I know that is probably selfish of me, but I like having a day to celebrate, well, me. (I really liked it last year when we were in Disneyland and everyone kept telling me happy birthday. I told Brent I was going to wear my button again, but I chickened out.)

We had a pretty low key morning...just doing those normal Saturday things that we have to do. Then Brent told me I had to go to the door and this is what I found.

Two of my young women (isn't it weird that I still call them my young women when I haven't been in young women's for over a year?) had made me a cake and decorated my door.

Here's the cake...

If you can't tell, that's the three of us (I'm the one with the fro on the left) sitting on my couch laughing.

I started to cry...I just love those girls so much and it was so sweet of them to remember my birthday.

Then, my visiting teacher brought over my present. It was a bunch of notes from different people in my ward.

I started to cry (do you seem a theme?)...I truly and totally felt loved! What an amazing present for the visiting teachers to give.

Then the party began. Brent said there were going to be like 20 people there. That turned out to be true, but mostly kids, which is great for me. Ryan, Marcela, Reyes and baby (not yet born) Camila came down. Court, Sarah, Chloe, Kyle and Aaron came over. And John, Laura, Juju, Lucille, and Evy were there too. I was just surrounded by some of my favorite people. It was so much fun!

I also had a "Better the Anything Cake." I don't know if they are better than ANYTHING, but they are pretty yummy!

As I look back on my birthday, I just feel so loved. By my family, my friends, everyone. And that was the best birthday gift I ever could have wanted.

Thank you all!


Jenny Moore said...

You are very loved Ashley!!!

Julie said...

Yeah, that does sound like a fun day. I'm glad you got to celebrate you! Way to go everyone on all the surprises!

Jess said...

I'm glad that you had such a great day. You deserve it and what better day to celebrate YOU. YOU are pretty special ;) Love the cake. Very creative by those YW. Hee Hee!

Courtney said...

I'm glad you had a fun day. I think everyone likes their b'days and wants at least a little bit of fuss made over them. I have a really hard time believe people who insist otherwise!

Mom said...

That sounds like a wonderful birthday...even more than you told me about. You are loved...always by me and it looks like by a TON of other people (no surprise there!) Happy's YOUR month!!
Love you