Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am not really a fan of shopping. I HATE going to the mall. I do like Costco though...we go on a lot of Costco dates, but that's neither here nor there. I do however LOVE going after-holiday shopping. I love that stuff is half price. And I love that there are people all around (I know, I find that weird too.) and I love the feeling in the air. My mom, grandma and I have gone after Christmas shopping for as long as I can remember. I have A LOT of Christmas cards that I don't use because of those shopping trips, but I still love to do it. I'm also really good at getting through crowds. I like to blame it on going to a crowded high school, but I don't know if that's the reason. Whenever my mom needs something and there is a wall of people between her and that something, it is my job to get it.

So, when Leslie asked if we could go after-Thanksgiving shopping, I was all for it. I, however, am not a huge fan of early mornings. We realized that we weren't really shopping for any doorbuster-type things, so we left at the crack of ... 7:30 am. It was so much fun!

As you can see, we were very successful. And, yes, that is sunlight coming through the window. It was a GORGEOUS day that day!

After Christmas shopping, here I come! I don't know what I need, but I'm sure I need something! (I can just feel Brent cringing right now!)


Jess said...

Looks like a successful shopping day indeed! I'm so glad that didn't have to get up so early either. The best of both worlds for sure!

Cute picture of you 3!

Mom said...

I am looking forward to it as you know, it is almost as fun as Christmas to me!! Looks like you got a lot of good stuff and look at the clock...just 10:10 - you guys are super shoppers...I was still knee deep in donut holes!! Glad you guys had fun!
Oh.....and Happy Birthday, again!!
I love you!

Julie said...

That was a lot of fun and I love all the fun stuff I got that day! We did good!