Wednesday, June 02, 2010


I have a stye in my eye.

I hate it when I get styes. Do you ever get these stupid things? I usually have one a year. Here's what I hate about styes.

  • They hurt. Whenever you blink, it hurts, but it's not like you can stop blinking.
  • Sometimes (lucky not this time - yet) you can't close your eye the whole way. Ick.
  • They look yucky. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing my big old stye.
  • It's all people are looking at. No really, I'm sure it is. I mean, what else could they be looking at? I'm sure they're thinking, "Look at that big old gross stye in her eye. She's gross." (When, in fact, they probably aren't even looking at my stye, but still.)
  • They don't seem to go away fast enough. Which would be like instantaneously. "Hey, I think I have a stye...wait, it's gone. " Now that's my kind of stye.
So, I'll just go along with my life, and my giant, new-eye-sized stye. And I'll try to pretend that no one is looking at me.

Please stop looking at my stye. I mean it, stop.


Jenny Moore said...

I'm not looking, I promise!!

Courtney said...

Oh! Sorry!! I hate those too. I've even popped a few to get some relief quicker - but I know that you can't get your fingers close enough to your eyes to do that. Sorry!!!

Also, I didn't notice it tonight.

Jess said...

HAHAH.. i totally get those things all the time. A nice huge bump that totally bugs. I'm sorry. I always tried to pop mine with a pin.. not a good idea.

Hope it goes away soon.

Love ya!

Shelly said...


I am Sean's sister and we are looking at relocating to your neck of the woods-MAYBE! Jess said that you could give me the pros and cons. If Jess game you my email (I don't want to post it) would you get in touch with me so that we can talk?

Thanks in advance!


. said...

Oh, sad! I hope it goes away quickly!