Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sewing Again!

You may or may not know that we are once again remodeling our basement. We already did it once. Took it from the serious 1980's with smelly boy carpet to at least the 2000's. Then we decided to move our bedroom down there. But, we had a problem. The people who lived here before us. You know, the ones who couldn't really do home improving, had built a wall downstairs making the big room into two smaller rooms. So the wall had to go!

Nothing has exactly worked right with the "easy" fix of taking down a wall, repainting and repairing the floor, but we're plodding along. I mean, my mom is only going to be here in, let me figure this out, like 114 hours and we do have to sleep, Brent has to work, Ryan has to have a birthday, we have to go to church and keep the Sabbath Day holy in there plus finish the basement. But I'm getting off topic.

A long time ago we bought fabric to make curtains for the downstairs window. There were some cheapo blinds in there before that we're that nice to start with but that Daisy pretty much demolished. Yep, I was going to make curtains. I was even going to make lined curtains to keep out the light and the cold. Yep, I was going to do that.

Then I chickened out completely.

So, now I bought curtains. The problem is, the window is long and narrow. Not the direction curtains usually run. Then I all of a sudden got this brilliant idea to buy some curtains and turn them on their side. I know, I'm a genius! But now I'm faced with modifying the curtains.

I hate sewing.

I can do this. I can do this. I'm just modifying them, right? I'm not making curtains.

I hate sewing.

Wish me luck!


Chelsea said...

You'll do great! Can't wait to see what they look like. That would totally freak me out, but you're a master at creativity!!

Jenny Moore said...

Good luck Ash!
You can do it!!! :)

Courtney said...

You can totally do it.

Mom said...

I am sure they will turn out great!! Can't wait to see them in "um, let me see...114 hours!!!" I can't wait! It will be fun to get decor for your new "master suite!!"

You CAN do it!!!

Love you!

Jess said...

Good luck! I am sure they will be amazing.