Saturday, August 24, 2013

Over Achiever

Besides being perfect in every way, our little Tyler has his two front bottom teeth, what an overachiever.  He had his first appointment with the pediatrician yesterday and she recommended that we go to a children dentist and have them pulled.  Not knowing any different we ate lunch and went and met with the dentist.  There we were told that these are his baby teeth so it's best just to leave them alone and keep an eye on them to make sure the root properly.  

Because of the jaundice we had to get his bilirubin level checked again this morning.  So once again it was back to the hospital so he could give a blood sample.  Once again there was a problem with the first sample and he has to be poked again. This time they didn't take enough blood so there wasn't enough for the test.  Really! I would think it would be really simple to know that if you are doing test x you need blood amount y.  Not sure it would really be more complicated than that.  Bah! Even though it was unfortunate that the little guy had to be subjected to the discomfort twice we had a really good result.  His bilirubin level is dropping and since the threshold increases with every hour the possible problems from jaundice is going away.  Now we just have to wait for his color to improve with every feeding and diaper change.

We can hear you all saying "enough story just show us the pictures of this little cutie already".  Okay here are your new fix of cuteness.

There are other babies around our house right now as well.  This fawn was in the backyard, just wanted to share.


Mom said...

Wow, he is an overachiever! I am so glad his levels are going down and even more glad he doesn't have to be poked at that lab anymore! They are horrible!

He is a little sweetie! Can't wait to see him! You look good too!

Glad the little faun came by to say hi!

Jess said...

Thanks for the daily dose :) I can't believe he has teeth! That is crazy! I am not sure I have heard of that before. I am glad he didn't have to have them pulled. Poor thing has been subjected to enough with the bilirubin tests. I remember Tayler's feet being like hamburger after all the pokes. Glad his levels are improving. You do look really good. Loves to all of you.

Courtney said...

Aw! Cute McCuterson!