Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Brad!

Since I'm trying really hard to turn over a new leaf and remember everyone's birthday...

Happy Birthday Brad!

This picture makes me smile and deserves an explanation. When we were first getting the adoption stuff going, we needed to drum up some cute pictures of us doing fun stuff. So, we went to the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium with Brad and Court and the girls (Kyle wasn't even thought of then). We keep having them take pictures of Brent and I in front of the tigers, or the polar bears, something like that. (Hey, give us your kid because we like zoos.) Well, those of you who know Brent will know that one of things about him is that he takes REALLY BAD PICTURES! It's not his fault, he just has a hard time relaxing in front of the camera. So, Brent gets a hold of the camera and says, "Hey you guys smile" and this is the picture we got. The best one of the day. Too bad it wasn't with my husband. :)

Hope you have a great day Bradly!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

That is a cute picture! Happy Birthday Brad