Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Memories of the Snow

Since we have so much snow this year, which is still just crazy, I've been reminded of a lot of memories of the snow that I've been suppressing.

1) While I was sweeping off my driveway this morning, since we don't have a snow shovel - mental note, buy snow shovel -, I was reminded of the years we lived in my grandma's house. Our job was to shovel the snow from the apartment walkways early in the morning before we went to work. That was cold, yucky work. We didn't feel like we could use the snow blower at 6a, so it was all by hand. Fun.

2) One time me, my mom and Court were in Park City for something and we got caught in a horrible white out on the way back down Parley's Canyon. For those of you not used to snow, a white out is when it's snowing really hard and the wind is blowing so you can't see the front of your car. It makes it hard to stay on the road. But, my mom did a great job driving.

3) Once when I was at school at Utah State University - go Aggies - it snowed 2 feet over night. And, they didn't cancel classes. Two feet! They cancel classes here if the meteorologist says it might snow.

4) Again, a memory I was reminded of from Utah State. On Monday we were out and about and the wind was blowing, which made it REALLY cold. I was standing in the same place for a minute and when I started walking again, my jeans were cold. It brought back the memory of my jeans freezing, literally, as I waited for the bus to go to class. Yeah, those were the days.

5) There was so much snow one time that I was literally pushing it with the front of my car. That was a fun drive home. Court and Brad were with me that time. I remember it well.

6) When I was in elementary school, a couple of my birthday parties were sleigh rides in the mountains. It was really fun. We saw a moose one time. And, I had a dumb friend that always wore shorts to these parties. My dad would pick him up and throw him in the snow. I have a great dad.

7) Even when there is a TON of snow, you still have to feed the horses. I know that's kind of a "duh" moment, but when there's 2 feet of snow and it's still snowing, trudging out to feed the horses is the last thing you want to do. And, their water would freeze. One of the horses liked to chew on the ice, but the others would just look at you forlornly. I remember many a day that we had to take warm water in buckets to the horses. (I only did this sometimes, my grandma did it every day. That's crazy.) It was the best thing when Grandma bought a warmer for their water trough. Then only the top would freeze so you could break through that.

And finally, 8) Snow does make everything pretty and quiet! I had forgotten how quiet a snow storm is. It is relaxing.

Whatever happened to my "green and soggy" Christmas? Hope your Christmas is merry and white too!


Angel said...

Ah, the memories of snow. I enjoy the memories, but I sure don't miss the snow!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your memories of Utah State... what a great place!

People always tell me that since I'm from UT and have lived in CO that I should be used to the cold. Well, yes, but it doesn't mean I like it!

Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

I remember many of those memories as well...especially the white about white knuckle driving (and that was right before Easter!!) One other that you didn't mention was the week that dad was gone to Denver and it snowed EVERYDAY and we had to shovel with the snow up 5 feet high on both sides of the driveway! Good times! We had another monster storm on Christmas night - but the sun was shining today! Hope you are just getting rain!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Christmas card. I've had a rough couple of weeks so I haven't been on line often. I hope all is well with you. I have two weeks of vacation coming up soon. Maybe I'll come visit since I've never been that far north.


Anonymous said...

Love all your snow's amazing different people's reactions to snow!
Enjoy the peace and quiet.