Monday, May 25, 2009


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for my mom. She is out of the hospital today. She is going to have her gallbladder removed on Wednesday, so then she should start really feeling better.

I guess the reason she was in the hospital overnight was because a tube that goes from her pancreas to her intestines got plugged by an escaped gallstone so the enzymes were basically digesting her pancreas - and a little bit her liver. So, the take home lesson is...if you think you have gallstones, go to the doctor before you start digesting yourself!

So, if you don't mind, keep up the prayers for her to have a speedy recovery once she has the surgery.

Happy Memorial Day!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for your blog, I had no idea Linda was in the hospital (and now out)! The last time we spoke on the phone, she told me she thought she was having gall bladder problems, but that was the last I had heard. I will give her (or your dad) a call to express my well-wishes and to remind them that her favorite sister would like to be in the info loop a little bit. Thanks again for the heads up.
Love, your favorite aunt,

Jess said...

eating itself? crazy! I am so glad that it isn't more serious. We will definitely keep her (And YOU) in our prayers. Love you!