Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I have to give a little bit of background for this story. It just makes me laugh. My mom works for Smith's in Utah. (Smith's and Fred Meyer are owned by the same company.) So, Smith's is in direct competition with Wal-mart for most things. Because of mom HATES Wal-mart! She hated it when we were in Hawaii and the only place to shop was Wal-mart.

So, we go to lunch today with my cousin Jennifer and her 4-year-old daughter, Sarah. Jennifer also works at Smith's. After lunch, Jen says, "Do you guys want to go shopping?" To which Sarah starts jumping around and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" I really have never seen anyone that excited to go shopping. When Jen asked where Sarah wanted to go shopping she cried, "WAL-MART!" I just had to laugh. Everyone was so amazed that she a) knew what Wal-mart was, and b) wanted to go shopping there since she hadn't ever been.

We split the difference and went to Target. Kids are so funny!

1 comment:

Jenny Moore said...

Yeah for Target!! We love Target and Fred Meyer...sometimes WalMart is a necessary evil!!!