Sunday, February 14, 2010


We have a new niece that was born about a week and a half ago. Unfortunately, because of a cold and the fact that we did NOT want to give Camila the cold, we just met her yesterday.
She's not bad looking, right? Marcela said that she rarely has her eyes open so we were super lucky! It's hard to see, but her hair is strawberry blonde. I wonder what it's going to be when she grows up.

And Reyes got a haircut. It looks cute, but I miss the curls. Perhaps I'm just a little bias. Maybe she'll be like me. When I was a kid, my hair wasn't super curly, but as I've gotten older, it's gotten curlier and curlier.

We're so glad that Camila got here, early even, healthy and happy. And the rest of the family is doing well too.

We're sad today though...Brent's brother Jared is blessing his little boy Jacob today and we wish we could be there, but we're there in spirit.

Also, check back - we had a tough night last night that included some stitches...and it wasn't me. Pictures and the story to come.

Canada tomorrow! Woho!


Mom said...

Congrats to all of you on Camila. She looks like a real sweetheart. Can't wiat to see if her hair stays that way!
Have fun at the Olynpics!! Be safe!!

Julie said...

I wish I could be there to meet Camila... good thing for pictures and skype! Stay little until July Camila!